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Stan and Ann talk about trying something new and choosing a different path

Preparing for tomorrow means being open to change. Stan and Ann, who feature in our video, found ways to make their careers work for them. Watch the full story below.

Retirement today looks different for everyone

Everyone's view of their future is different. Not everyone wants to, or can, retire in their mid-sixties, and the way they save will be influenced by the twists and turns their lives take.

There was a time when retirement meant closing one chapter – usually a stable, long-term career, and opening another – years of full-time leisure with your pension to see you through.

But things have changed. We’re living longer than previous generations and there’s a growing number of people who are past retirement age, most of whom will need to rely on their pension for decades.

This opens up a wealth of new opportunities, from extending a successful career to starting a new one.

We shouldn’t be forced to choose

You may reach your mid-sixties and still want to achieve more from your job. Or keep saving for a more comfortable retirement.

In our video above, Stan explains how he made work, work for him by going back to help his daughter get on the property ladder.

The traditional ‘working or retired’ stereotype is outdated

We’re living longer than previous generations, and increasingly want to use a number of these years to work full or part-time. Unfortunately, though, employment and support structures haven’t yet been adjusted to support this shift.

So, if you’re feeling that you aren’t prepared for a typical retirement, you’re most definitely not alone. What’s important is to start thinking about what you want from your longer life.

We need age-inclusive workplaces

Our research shows that there are 750,000+ over 50s in the UK who would like to work but aren’t. This represents a huge loss to the economy and prevents many from saving enough to meet their longer life goals.

In our video above, Ann explains how she made change work for her. When she was made redundant at 60, her family encouraged her to turn her passion into a living by setting-up her own photography business.

But for many people, age discrimination is a major barrier. We need to redesign the world of work for longer lives. Employers must be proactive in tackling age-bias in recruitment, enable flexible working, support staff with caring responsibilities and encourage career development and training for all.

We believe that being a great employer for people of all ages is the best way to attract top talent and support people through all life stages. We’re proud to be a founder signatory of the Centre for Ageing Better’s Age-Friendly Employer Pledge, we offer flexible working as standard, have age inclusive recruitment programmes and encourage colleagues to make career shifts to support changes in their circumstances and allow for better, longer working lives.

We need to talk about our longer lives

Everyone is different. You may want to continue working full or part-time, try your hand at something new, or even set-up your own business. Whatever your circumstances, it's important to take control.

The traditional ‘learn, work, retire’ model won’t change overnight, but by being clear on your own priorities, commitments, and resources you can start to map out a path for your longer life and how you can support those you care about.

