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Rakesh Thakrar

Rakesh Thakrar

Group Chief Financial Officer


15 May 2020

Career and experience:

Rakesh joined Phoenix Group in 2001 and has been Group CFO since 2020. He held several finance and strategy-related roles and was Deputy Group CFO for six years prior to being appointed as Group CFO. Rakesh is a Non-Executive Director (‘NED’), Chair of the Audit Committee and member of the Risk Committee of Bupa Insurance Limited. He is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and the Association of Corporate Treasurers.

Key skills and competencies:

  • Detailed knowledge of financial markets as leader of Phoenix Group’s financial strategy, which supports achievement of strong financial results in line with the financial framework of Cash, Capital and Earnings.
  • Experienced in directing and delivering significant corporate projects and major transactions which drives delivery of Phoenix Group’s strategy.
  • Focused on people development to support culture, capabilities for future growth and a diverse pipeline of talent as sponsor of social mobility within the organisation

Current external appointments:

NED, Chair of the Audit Committee and member of the Risk Committee of Bupa Insurance Limited and the service company Bupa Insurance Services Limited.